‘Aristocrats are Anarchists’: Why the Wealthy Back Trump and Brexit
2020, The Guardian Offshore finance links ultra-nationalists and the ultra-rich in a shared political project: the quest to weaken or dismantle the rule of law internationally. Keywords: populism,...
The Bad Behavior of the Richest: What I Learned from Wealth Managers
2018, The Guardian The ultra-rich and the ultra-poor have a lot more in common than stereotypes might lead you to believe. Keywords: wealth, poverty, public policy
Yes, Trump’s Cabinet Is Super-Rich. That’s Not Why We Should Be Worried
2017, Washington Post In 2017, incoming President Donald Trump’s Cabinet was comprised of the ultra-rich, their collective wealth dwarfing that of any other in American history. While money and...
Why Tax Havens Are Political and Economic Disasters
2016, The Atlantic Whatever benefits might come to a country entering into the tax-haven business, it seems to be a Faustian bargain. Most are afflicted by the “finance curse,” becoming repressive,...
Panama Papers: The Real Scandal Is What’s Legal
2016, The Atlantic The Panama Papers gave many their first glimpse of the dirty secret of offshore finance: the system makes legally possible activities that many people would consider criminal....
Under Anklage: De Rige Reagerer med Vrede (Under Attack: The Rich React with Anger)
2016, Politiken The ultra-rich are ultra-sensitive to criticism; the Panama Papers has caused them to lash out in anger. Keywords: Panama Papers, elites
Trust Me with your Money
2016, Aeon Magazine This article examines the unusually close relationship between wealth managers and their clients--a form of elite service almost unique in its intensity. Keywords: wealth...
Europeans Are Flying Across the Atlantic to Participate in Black Friday
2015, The Atlantic In Denmark, my neighbor and my pharmacist both board planes on Thanksgiving Day and fly eight hours to New York just to shop American Black Friday sales. Our holiday has become an...
Inside the Secretive World of Tax-Avoidance Experts
2015, The Atlantic A sociologist realized that if she were ever going to understand global inequality she would have to become one of the people who helps create it. So she trained to become a...
With Current Crisis, a Monster Emerged
2008, Philadelphia Inquirer Like Dr. Frankenstein, the architects of subprime mortgages and derivatives created a monster whose complex workings they didn’t understand—one that laid waste to...
Investor Beware | Money and Moral Hazard
2001, American Prospect How proposals to privatize Social Security and “run the country like a business” fundamentally misunderstand the very different purposes and constituencies served by...
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